ZachTheCaptain . 1 min read​​
Remember the 4th
Commandment that is.
"Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy"
-Exodus 20:8
Probably one of the most forgotten commandments in today's busy culture. However it is something God asks us to do on the 7th day of every week. To remember it is to cease from working and to rest! And to keep it holy is to set it apart as different from all other days and not mix worldly things with the things of God. It's hard to do when your lists of to-do's is a mile long, but trust me there is immeasurable blessing when you do! In fact you'll start looking forward to it every week! You'll want to protect it, guard it, and not let things monopolize it; like working for income, doing chores, hard labor, or buying and selling, because it's a special time. It's the only time where the only thing you're commanded to do on that day is....nothing.
Enjoy and Shabbat Shalom!